Wednesday, December 16, 2015

One quail of a night!

The 3 Britts and I had us a quail of a night. Milly and Harley were on fire and Jazz found her quail mojo. We had a couple times when all 3 were on point, including a big covey of Huns. 
This was one of those nights where all 3 were on their A game! Most of this happened in about 40 minutes. 

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Snow Day

This dog (Jazz) was not deterred by the snow at all today!   Check out the frozen Garmin Antenna.

Roosters erupting from the snow!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

December Ruff grouse hunting

Alright time to play find the grouse. Harley pointed a ruff grouse today and she knew it was nearby....the grouse on the other hand had the drop on her. 

I also had a great point from Jazz...came over the hill and she was locked up and wouldn't budge. However whatever was there gave us the slip.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Finished the day strong!

3 rounds of basketball games today. It made for very little time in the field. I was able to get the dogs out for the last 25 minutes of the day. Jazz found this rooster, (wouldn't hold) we actually saw about 5 in a short time. Milly got the retrieve.