Monday, September 9, 2013

Opening Day of Grouse Season in Idaho 2013

Finally getting around to posting this, what a great opener. The bird numbers were great and the dog work was excellent!
We had a mix of blues, ruff, and spruce grouse.  I actually even tripled on a family of blue grouse that Milly and Harley pointed. What a great 4 days!

Bryant and Jordan, with Harley, Belle, Milly, and Saide

                   Harley and Milly with a pair of Blue grouse, the 2nd bird was pointed really well by Milly.

Jordan and Lee with Joker and a group of ruff grouse. 

Harley and Milly with blue, ruff and spruce grouse.

Lee and I with ruff grouse and blues. I actually tripled on a point by Harley and Milly on Blue grouse. All on the wing!

Lee, Jordan and Bryant with a fine day of Ruff Grouse hunting. 

Harley and Milly on point!

Wild raspberries, wading freezing cold creeks, atv's and stuck atv's!

Harley, Milly, and I with my limit of ruff grouse.